Friday, February 26, 2010

Why do people act the way they do?

Why do people assume others financial status, social level, spirituality etc? All everyone knows is what the outisde appearance tells them. They don't know the LIFE style. Or the character of the person. I'll use myself as an example: Just because I dress nicely, wear designer clothes (I wish!), and talks politely, they think that I am better than them. They don't see anything except what I want them to see. Just because I can wear nice clothes, etc they think I come from money. What they don't know is that I buy my clothes at consignment, they're donated and I talk politely. Maybe that's how I grew up. Why do people divide others into 2 social groups? Wealthy or Poor? A few weeks ago in my ethics class, a friend told me, "you have it easy. I bet you have no worries about how to pay the bills, where to sleep, yadda-yadda-yadda. How would you like it if I traded places with you?"
I told her, "you think my life is easy? I never told you or led you on that my parents or family or I have money. That's what you assumed. I try to live independently of my parents. Just because that's how you characterize me, doesn't mean that's what it's really like. I just let you look at me and judge me on my outward appearance but you don't know squat about what goes on behind the scenes. So  don't start with 'you're better off than I am' because that's not true!

Why do people judge others? And why do we racially descriminate others based on their financial status and their outward appearance? NO ONE is better than the other!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hello to one and all, little and big, short and tall.

Sorry I haven't written ya'll for a couple of days, I've been writing on my blog, but I've been saving it. I kinda have a BIG REAL-LIFE issue I'm going to discuss, but haven't completely finished it yet. So this entry is going to be short and sweeet.

I'm at work, til 2 this afternoon, and then I have to go home and get Fwynickers and King Henry 8th and get my ethics book and notebook. So that's about covers everything that I'm doing today.

Hope every one is well and ok. TTYL

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hello my fellow people,

Today is Saturday, it's sunny and nice out. When I say nice, I mean that it isn't snowing and in the 90's but just about normal springtime would be.

I had to make up an ethics class this afternoon, it wasn't fun. But it was rather eye-opening:) I'll let you decide what I mean by that.

When I got home I made chicken noodle soup mixed w/ cream of chicken. YUM YUM!! Have you ever tried ckn soup made that way?

This evening mommy and I had fun on the piano. She played numerous songs from my Wicked musical songbook and I sung along. It was alot of fun.

How did you all spend you're Saturday today? Did you do anything fun?!

Hope to talk to ya'll later, I'm signing off, b/c I have a headache and want to go to sleep but I'll talk later:)

Friday, February 19, 2010


Hello my friends and fellow minions,
How are you all doing this cold and windy day? During the day it was nice, warm and hot. (At least in my house it was). But when you go outside, now THAT'S  a different story:p

Sorry I wasn't able to write to you yesterday. My life was hectic and busy etc. But oh, well, I'm making up for it tonight. I'm currently working at my job. I enjoy the evening shift, I'ts less busy and pretty quiet, so that way I can get all my schoolwork done and read a little.

Mom and Dad are going over to my sister's  and brother-in-law's for dinner tonight. I wonder how Dad's going to react to Abby? Dad hates dogs and Abby's a chocolate lab and loves people. My little niece, absolutely loves Abby and Abby likewise. She would just lie there and let lil' willow grab ahold of her fur. It's so cute. But oh well. Tell me what's new with you?

I met a guy through a friend yesterday. And he seemed nice at first, the ironic thing is: his name is Nate.
My brother-in-law's name is Nate. Then he emailed me a picture of himself, and honestly? I freaked out. He turned out to be one of my library staklers!! I told mom what I found out and she laughed,  and I asked her, :Why do I always have the worse taste in men?!" She didn't have an answer.

Oh well, that's the latest drama in my life, tell me about your's:)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Okay everyone, million dollar question, or not, considering the fact that I don't HAVE  a million dollars, but if someone was kind and generous to give me such amount, then I'd give some of it to the person who has the best answer:) {Maybe I'll stop rambling right now and get to the main question}

I work in a used book store, I started working here in late November of '09 to the present. My favorite author's and books fluctuate on a day-to-day basis. But what I'm interested in knowing is what kind of books you are interested in?

I like mysteries, romance, action and a few other genres. I also am intersted in historical books; {i.e. american history} I like the history books that tell about how our country was founded and the battles fought to protect our freedom. I also enjoy reading about how the Declaration of Independence was formed and the Constitution. I enjoy reading biographies/summaries about the signers. It's so interesting to see how other people's, back hundreds of years ago,  minds thought.

Anyway, interact w/ me:) I want to get to know you!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm not like any other blogs on this site

Hi, it's me again. I should tell you up front, my blog is going to be unlike most any other blogs on this site. I am going to talk about circumstances going on in my life, but I also want people to interact with me on other certain vital issues, there are in the world today. So let's begin, shall we?

I have been taking Ethics at school this year, and one of the discussions we have is whether you believe that stem cell research is right or wrong? What are your thoughts on stem cell research?

I believe that it is right, only in certain areas. I'm not going to go into detail, unless you want me to. But what are your thoughts on it?

Monday, February 15, 2010


Today is February 15, Mom's and Dad's anniversary.  And it's snowing. . . AGAIN!
Don't you think we've had enough snow?! I think we did. Don't get me wrong, I love snow, it's pretty, but a little too much can be just that, TOO MUCH!

You'd think that God would've believed that we've had enough, but I guess He thinks otherwise.

I was on the weather channel today, and they said that the amount of percipitation that Ruckersville/Charlottesville area has had this month has averaged about 2.40 inches. I think otherwise. Considering that big snowstorm we've had about a week ago, I don't think that the weather people know what they are talking about.

I'm suppose to have my accounting class tonight, but I might not be able to make it, because it's suppose to snow all day and into the night. I don't like to drive in snow, rain, etc. at night. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait and see:)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

VT vs UVA bball game

February 14, 2010,

Friends and Family,
This is the first time I've ever started a blog before. I just wanted to communicate with all my friends and family.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Valentine's day for couples, singles awareness day for singles:)

My sister and future brother-in-law, and I went to Blacksburg, VA yesterday for the final basketball game of the season. The VT Hokies vs UVA Cavaliers. Needless to say who won:) Hokies won by a good 6 pts. The ending score ended up to be 61-55.

We got the Blacksburg around 4ish, checked n2 the b & b, drove around the VT Campus, went to the bookstore, ate at Bud Fosters and then went back to the b & b to bundle up, cause it was windy and flurrying, and we had to walk to the Cassell Coliseum, where the game was held. It was a close game, but we enjoyed it.