Why do people assume others financial status, social level, spirituality etc? All everyone knows is what the outisde appearance tells them. They don't know the LIFE style. Or the character of the person. I'll use myself as an example: Just because I dress nicely, wear designer clothes (I wish!), and talks politely, they think that I am better than them. They don't see anything except what I want them to see. Just because I can wear nice clothes, etc they think I come from money. What they don't know is that I buy my clothes at consignment, they're donated and I talk politely. Maybe that's how I grew up. Why do people divide others into 2 social groups? Wealthy or Poor? A few weeks ago in my ethics class, a friend told me, "you have it easy. I bet you have no worries about how to pay the bills, where to sleep, yadda-yadda-yadda. How would you like it if I traded places with you?"
I told her, "you think my life is easy? I never told you or led you on that my parents or family or I have money. That's what you assumed. I try to live independently of my parents. Just because that's how you characterize me, doesn't mean that's what it's really like. I just let you look at me and judge me on my outward appearance but you don't know squat about what goes on behind the scenes. So don't start with 'you're better off than I am' because that's not true!
Why do people judge others? And why do we racially descriminate others based on their financial status and their outward appearance? NO ONE is better than the other!!
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